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Pune University Courses(Long Term)
  Certificate Course in 3D CAD, CAM & CAE

This course is designed to give in depth exposure to computer aided design, manufacturing and analysis. It is useful for the graduate engineers in mechanical, production & automobile stream. The course content is a proper blend of theory & practical sessions.
The course will be conducted by industry professionals & academicians. Each student will get the experience of working on software tools such as AutoCAD, Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, ANSYS, SOLID EDGE etc. alongwith a live project.
Unique Features
1. Training available on all important software tools such as ProENGINEER, CATIA, SOLID EDGE, ANSYS, AutoCAD etc.
2. Practicals on CNC machines.
3. Experience on projects.
Course Details
Duration 6 months (full time). Every day Theory Sessions for 2 hours and Practical Sessions for 4 hours
a) B.E. / B. Tech or equivalent degree in Mechanical / Production/ Automobile passed out or appeared.
b) Industry professional.
Selection Criteria Selection will be based on the merit list in entrance examination.
Reservations Applicable as per University of Pune norms.
Entrance Test
Entrance Test for Certificate Course in 3D CAD, CAM & CAE will be conducted on 23rd Sept 2009.
Test Details
Total Marks : 100 Qualifyiing Marks : 50
Total No. of Questions : 100 Duration 2 Hours.
Fees : Rs.250/- per candidate. Non refundable.
Test Syllabus
Engineering Drawing.
Engineering Design.
Aptitude& Personality.
Simple Mathematical Ability
Basic Applied Mechanics.
Manufacturing Processes.
a) Entrance Exam : Candidate will have appear for an objective type entrance exam is over.

b) Merit List : Entrance exam merit list of successful candidates will declared 6th October 2009.

Confirmation of Admission : Successful candidates are required to pay first installment of course fee Rs. 10000/- on or before 13th October 2009 and confirm the admission for the course of Certificate Course in 3D CAD, CAM & CAE.

Commencement of Course : Course will start on : 28th October 2009
Course Syllabus
 Module 1-Engineering & Product Design.    
Theory Practical
1. Engineering drawing.
2. Structural design.
3. Material properties for design.
4. Finite Element theory.
5. Manufacturing processes.
6. Design fundamentals.
7. Jig-fixture design.
8. Personality development.
9. Career guidance & interview techniques.
1. Computer aided drafting using AutoCAD.
2. 3D modeling using Solid Edge, CATIA & Pro/ENGINEER.
3. Computer aided manufacturing.
4. Finite element analysis using ANSYS.
Final Assessment and Examination  
Each candidate will be assessed on the basis of:
1. Term work.
2. Theory.
3. Oral.
4. Project.
5. Practical Examination.  
Course Certification
The successful candidates will receive Certificate of Passing from Pune University.
Course Fees
Rs. 46,000/- per candidate (Rupees Forty Six Thousand only).
The fees are non-refundable. To be paid by cash or D.D. drawn in favour of
CAM SOLUTIONS Solutions Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.

Fees are to be paid in two installments:

1. First installment of Rs. 10,000/- to be paid at the time of confirmation of admission after interview.
2. Second installment of Rs. 36,000/- is to be paid on or before- 26th October 2009.

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